Thursday, October 2, 2008


The benefit of exercising has really hit home. I was haveing trouble with elevated blood sugar. It seemed no matter what I ate I could not get it under 100. I finally just stopped tracking my sugar level. Well a couple of weeks ago my friend and I started going to the gym. We have been working out and it feels great. For 2 days now I have been on a binge eating of candy and chocolate. I still worked out at the gym. I decided to check my sugar levels yesterday it was 99 today it was 104. Now before my levels have been 120/130. So exercise is the key to controlling my sugar levels.

Why I went on a binge and how to over come.
Why is simple, I am very upset and food is a comfort. How to over come using food as a comfort is harder. I have a book that I need to reread called "Life is Hard. Food is Easy". by Linda Spangle, RN, MA. In the book she outlines 5 steps to over coming emotional eating. I will blog more on this as I read it.

On a side note I have the pictures of before (messy house) I just need to get them posted.