Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ok so it isn't easy

to blog here everyday. LOL Papa Bear was home all weekend up until today and he thinks I should pay attention to him ;).

As for my other goal of school, I am getting closer. I sent off the paper work I need to send.

We had Turkey and trimmings yesterday because of work schedules. It was fun and we had good food.

Things I am thankful for:
Having a steady job
Having a roof over our heads and food in the kitchen.
My 3 wonderful children and my wonderful grandson
The fact that I am going to be a "Oma" again :)
For mom and dad still being with us
For a wonderful! mother-in-law.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


We had a great vacation north to see my son at university. Now I am home and determined to get back to eating healthy and exercising. So I am going to start taking pictures of everything I eat or drink. That will be my food diary. I am also going to get back to doing my Wii Fit. I went hiking yesterday and am going to go today. I am going to get some recipes together that have good veggies and fruit and such in it for the boy to eat better. I am going to make it a goal to blog here everyday this week (Nov. 23 - Nov. 29). And speaking of goals, I have another one. Last year I tried to go back to school and freaked out. Just couldn't do it. Well I am in the process of registereing for online classes and I am determined to follow through this time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

body image.

I found 2 excellent blogs on the subject and thought I would post them here.


Revolution of Real Women

Friday, November 7, 2008

I was thinking about my first crush which then lead to my first Hollywood crush then on to first loves and so forth. I thought what the heck i will blog about it LOL. It gives you something to read about me anyway :).

Gary B. I was 5 he was in his 20's. He was a jockey and rode for my dad. I have a picture of him somewhere, but can't find it.

Kevin G. We were both in Kindergarten. He was my first "boyfriend".

Scott B. He was my boyfriend from 1st to 3rd grade. We might have even married ;) if my parents had not decided to move us far away :(. We wrote to each other for a few years and then we lost contact with each other. Wonder where he is now.

1977. Star Wars. Hans Solo. Yes I have loved Harrison Ford ever since!

7th or was it 8th grade I had a crush on Tony S. He was a year older then me. He did not know I existed. Though my half brother convinced me to write a love letter to Tony and there was the time I ran into him full on. Honestly I DID NOT SEE HIM! He got very mad at me, which is totally understandable. When I was in 9th grade I became good friends with his younger brother, Vince. I wonder where Vince is now?

10th Grade. Algebra. Cute boy sitting in front of me, Raymond Melvin M. Oh how I longed for him to see past the outer shell of me and get to know ME. I was convinced that he would love me forever if only he would give me a chance. But alas it never happened. Though once again I ran smack dab into him. He didn't get mad, he just laughed.

May 1983 is when I met Daniel John S. aka Danny. He was my first "true love". I was going to marry him! Until "she" came back into his life. There are days I still think about what if. But I know it could never be.

Off to College: Brian M. First boy I met on campus. He was total opposite of Danny. We had a good time together until I was ready to move on. A stupid decision I might add. Thomas Mitchell B. I married him had 2 beautiful children and a lot of heart ache.

Keanu Reeves is once of my Hollywood crushes. Fell hard for him in the role of Paul Sutton "A Walk in the Clouds".

Then I met Gerald Paul B. He is a good man. I love him. We have a beautiful, smart, sensitive kid together. What can I say marriage is hard work.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

one month

and no posts.... I am not good at blogging. I really want to be. But truth is I am not.

Anyway i bought the Wii fit. I love it! I have been using it a lot. I have also been out hiking in the desert. Owen goes with me a lot. We have a great time.

Cleaning.... ugh not so good in that area. Must work on that.

being a good wife.... things were going good, then not so good, then ok. Working on it.

I will try hard to post at least once a week. Though I am going to be gone for a week starting the 13th. :)