Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I did not get the clean gene. I have a very hard time with the whole cleaning house stuff. I found a great book years ago called "Messies Anonymous" by Sandra Felton. Since then she has expanded and come up with many books, personally I wish I had never lent out my original copy, I felt it was the best.

My messiness is a source of stress to my hubby. Though he knew when he met me that I was not a good house keeper, I have great intentions, but just end up spinning my wheels. Like right now I should be cleaning, but I am here :o). My goal in this area is to get better, i know that being a "cleaning" (i.e. the perfectneverhaveanythingoutofplace house keeper) I will never be. But I do have lots of room for improvement.

My plan of attack: lists :o)

Daily stuff I need to do:
Wipe down bathroom counters & sinks
unload and load dishwasher
At least 1 load of laundry (washed, dried, AND folded, and put away)
Keep desktop cleared
Dust (we have so much of it here in the desert)
Help Owen pick his room up before bed.

Ok now for the frieghtening truth. Before pictures: (to be added as soon as I take them and get them processed)

Monday, September 22, 2008

His needs, Her needs.

His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley, Jr. is a book on building an affair-proof marriage. it focuses on what each partner needs in a relationship and what the other can do to give that to them. It is a good place to start, right :).

So for starters, The #1 thing a man needs is sex, yep. He wants it available always. But a women doesn't work like that at all, we need a few things in order to find sexual pleasure. So both partners need to understand these aspects and work to make it great for both. A women needs to be available for their husband and not just go through the motions. A husband needs to realize a wife needs touch, affection, words, through out the day so that his wife will be ready and wanting. It is amazing the human populace reproduce :o) we are such different creatures in so many ways.

This particular need we have covered fairly well, we could use a little refining, but for the most part hubby and I have this one down :o)

Sunday, September 21, 2008


This blog will be about me trying to find my way. Trying to come to terms with who I am and make changes to things that can be changed (i.e. weight, being a better wife and mother) and accepting things that can not be changed.

Things that will be listed here:
Food and my addiction.
Becoming a better wife and mother.
Cleaning house and how I have over come being a messy.

I am a amateur photographer. All photos are mine (unless I post otherwise). Please DO NOT barrow, steal, use, or copy any of the photos. Thank you.